Press Dossier    By Date   13/04/2021 Labor authority promotes e-services

Kuwait Times, Tuesday, Apr 13, 2021 | Ramadan 1, 1442

Labor authority promotes e-services

Kuwait: The Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) announced that the electronic service As’hal and the electronic forms for the labor market were launched to automate governmental procedures during the pandemic. Aseel Al-Mazyad, Official Spokesperson and PR and Media Director at PAM, said PAM launched the new electronic services on Jan 12, 2021 to simplify the procedure for employers, public and private companies, and Kuwaiti and expat employees.

“To ensure benefiting from these services, PAM produced awareness promos and teasers that explain how to use these services,” stressed Mazyad. PAM is producing awareness promos for the rest of its electronic services gradually. “The awareness promos or clips were posted on PAM’s accounts on social media and on the official website of PAM,” she added.

“PAM’s official website offers an inquiry service for the public from all sectors. It includes the As’hal service, electronic forms, payment of financial benefits and employment services for national manpower, among others,” concluded Al-Mazyad.

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