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KHALEEJ TIMES, Thursday, Apr 15, 2021 | Ramadan 3, 1442

Don't collect donations without permission, warns public prosecution

Emirates: The UAE public prosecution has warned against collecting donations without licence, calling on those who wish to help the needy during the holy month of Ramadan to follow the legal channels.

In an awareness film posted on social media, the public prosecution said Article 27 of the Federal Law No. 5 of 2012 regarding combating cybercrimes mentions that seeking public donations without a permit from approved specialised bodies via information technology devices is punishable by imprisonment and/or a fine ranging from Dh250,000 to Dh500,000.

It also highlighted Article 8 of Federal Law No. (4) for 2018, concerning the regulation and care of mosques, which states that anyone who collects donations or contributions at mosques without permission from the authorities is punishable for a maximum of three months or a fine of maximum Dh5,000 or either one of the two penalties.

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