Press Dossier   News Category    Others    Cinemas, gyms and restaurants to reopen in Saudi Arabia

Arab News, Saturday, Mar 6, 2021 | Rajab 22, 1442

Cinemas, gyms and restaurants to reopen in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: Cinemas, gyms and sports centers will be allowed to reopen in Saudi Arabia from Sunday.

Indoor dining can also resume in restaurants and cafes along with other recreational activities, the interior ministry said on Friday.

However, all events and parties will continue to be suspended until further notice. This includes weddings, corporate meetings, events in banquet halls and social events.

Social gatherings remain restricted to a maximum of 20 people.

The Kingdom suspended recreational events on Feb. 3 to halt the spread of COVID-19. The suspension was extended on Feb. 14 for 20 days.

The ministry urged people to adhere to measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and said there would be an increase in spot checks to ensure everyone followed the rules.

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