
The Text of the Regulation for the Moon Sighting in the Beginning of the Lunar Months

The moon sighting and viewing is the right of all Muslims...

The Text of the Law of the Supreme Council of Endowments

Charity Endowments; wherever indicated in this law, shall mean those whose affairs are undertaken by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments...

Ministerial Decision on Establishing Endowment Buildings Affairs Care Administration

The Endowments Buildings Affairs Care Board of Directors shall be formed under our chairmanship and the membership of the following...


After reviewing article (20) of the law of Council of Ministers issued by the Royal Decree No (38) dated...

Royal Decree No. M/2 dated 12/2/1394 to amend the article second of the system of the supreme council of endowments to form a higher council for endowments.

Royal Decree No. M/2 dated 12/2/1394 to amend the article second of the system of the supreme council of endowments to form a higher council for endowments.

Royal order No. A/13 dated 18/2/1427H. toenew the membership of Dr. Hamad bin Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Shaikh in the supreme council of endowments for three years.

Royal order No. A/13 dated 18/2/1427H. toenew the membership of Dr. Hamad bin Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Shaikh in the supreme council of endowments for three years.

Royal order No. A/43 dated 15/3/1426H. to renew the membership of Shaikh Abdullah bin Suleiman bin Manee in the supreme council of endowments for three years.

Royal order No. A/43 dated 15/3/1426H. to renew the membership of Shaikh Abdullah bin Suleiman bin Manee in the supreme council of endowments for three years.

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 262 dated 2-5-1438H regarding an amendment issued in respect of paragraph (1) of Article 6 of the General Authority of Awqaf Regulations issued by Royal Decree No. M / 11 dated 26-2-1437H

The Council of Ministers Decision No. 262 dated 2-5-1438H regarding an amendment issued in respect of paragraph (1) of Article 6 of the General Authority of Awqaf Regulations issued by Royal Decree No. M / 11 dated 26-2-1437H

The General Authority of Endowments Decision No. (2 / M / Q Z / 40) dated 25 / 9 / 1440 AH approving the procedures for issuing registration certificates

The General Authority of Endowments Decision No. (2 / M / Q Z / 40) dated 25 / 9 / 1440 AH approving the procedures for issuing registration certificates

Decision of the General Authority for Endowments No. (6 / M / QC / 41) dated 22/7/1441 AH regarding instructions for approving the establishment of endowment investment funds.

Decision of the General Authority for Endowments No. (6 / M / QC / 41) dated 22/7/1441 AH regarding instructions for approving the establishment of endowment investment funds.

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (286) dated 21 / 5 / 1442 AH regarding granting the General Authority for Endowments the statutory facilities that help it to exercise its supervisory competence over endowments in the Kingdom and the work of its administrators

Council of Ministers Resolution No. (286) dated 21 / 5 / 1442 AH regarding granting the General Authority for Endowments the statutory facilities that help it to exercise its supervisory competence over endowments in the Kingdom and the work of its administrators