Law No. (10) of 2022 Concerning the Amendment of Some Provisions of Law No. (2) of 2012 Concerning the Preservation of General Appearance, Health and Public Peace in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi The policies, regulations, rules and resolutions in force shall remain in force to the extent it does not contradict with the provisions of this Law, until the issuance of the policies, regulations, rules and resolutions implementing its provisions. |
Decision of the Head of the Department of Municipalities and Transport No. (33) of 2021 regarding the executive regulations for the operation of passenger transport services by buses in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Decision of the Head of the Department of Municipalities and Transport No. (33) of 2021 regarding the executive regulations for the operation of passenger transport services by buses in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Decision of the Department of Municipalities and Transport No. (26) of 2021 regarding the suspension of services and transactions for persons who have obligations to the department and its affiliated entities Decision of the Department of Municipalities and Transport No. (26) of 2021 regarding the suspension of services and transactions for persons who have obligations to the department and its affiliated entities |
Department of Municipalities and Transport Decision No. (20) of 2021 regarding the guideline for organizing farms affairs in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (third version) Department of Municipalities and Transport Decision No. (20) of 2021 regarding the guideline for organizing farms affairs in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (third version) |
Department of Municipalities and Transport Resolution No. (12) of 2021 regarding the design and construction guide of swimming pools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Department of Municipalities and Transport Resolution No. (12) of 2021 regarding the design and construction guide of swimming pools in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Department of Municipalities and Transport Decision No. 108 of 2020 regarding the approving the guideline for the executive regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 (Health Control of Non-Food Establishments) issued by Decision No. 49 of 2017 Department of Municipalities and Transport Decision No. 108 of 2020 regarding the approving the guideline for the executive regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 (Health Control of Non-Food Establishments) issued by Decision No. 49 of 2017 |
Chairman of the Department of Municipalities and Transport Decision No. 107 of 2020 amending Decision No. 49 of 2017 regarding the issuance of the executive regulations for Law No. 2 of 2012 (Health Control of Non-Food Establishments) Chairman of the Department of Municipalities and Transport Decision No. 107 of 2020 amending Decision No. 49 of 2017 regarding the issuance of the executive regulations for Law No. 2 of 2012 (Health Control of Non-Food Establishments) |
Chairman of the Energy Department Decision No. (16) of 2020 regarding the regulatory regulations for water and wastewater tankers services Chairman of the Energy Department Decision No. (16) of 2020 regarding the regulatory regulations for water and wastewater tankers services |
Department of Municipalities and Transport Decision No. 78 of 2020 regarding permits to engage in economic activities in buildings located within the commercial hubs in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Department of Municipalities and Transport Decision No. 78 of 2020 regarding permits to engage in economic activities in buildings located within the commercial hubs in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Circular No. (3) of 2019 Concerning the Coordination with the Municipal Community Centre We are pleased to greet you and to extend our sincere gratitude for your continuous cooperation to realise the common interest. |
Executive Council Resolution No. (127) of 2019 Concerning the Municipal Service Charges in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Approve that the rent of the lands allocated by the government directly to the beneficiary shall be as follows |
Executive Council Resolution No. (127) of 2019 regarding fees for municipality services in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Executive Council Resolution No. (127) of 2019 regarding fees for municipality services in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (13) of 2019 Concerning the Executive Committee Strategic Competencies: Approve the strategic and executive plans of the governmental entities and the Emirate, submit them to Abu Dhabi Strategic Affairs Committee for approval in preparation for obtaining the approval of the Executive Council thereon. |
Decision of the head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities No. (17) of 2019 on the delivery of plans for what has been implemented for infrastructure projects Decision of the head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities No. (17) of 2019 on the delivery of plans for what has been implemented for infrastructure projects |
Resolution of the Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities No. (1) of 2019 on the organization of external meetings and occupancy of sidewalks Resolution of the Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities No. (1) of 2019 on the organization of external meetings and occupancy of sidewalks |
Resolution of the President of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities No. (229) of 2018 on the quality of services of workers in beauty and personal care centers in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Resolution of the President of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities No. (229) of 2018 on the quality of services of workers in beauty and personal care centers in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Executive Council Resolution No. 336 for the year 2018 about the reduction and abolition of some fees for municipal services in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Executive Council Resolution No. 336 for the year 2018 about the reduction and abolition of some fees for municipal services in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Executive Council Resolution No. 336 for the year 2018 about the reduction and abolition of some fees for municipal services in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Executive Council Resolution No. 336 for the year 2018 about the reduction and abolition of some fees for municipal services in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Head of Urban and Municipal Planning Department Decision No. (58) of 2018 regarding the Approval of a guide for organizing marine and land parks Head of Urban and Municipal Planning Department Decision No. (58) of 2018 regarding the Approval of a guide for organizing marine and land parks |
Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 14 of 2018 on the application of the Intelligent Building Index Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 14 of 2018 on the application of the Intelligent Building Index |
Head of the Planning and Municipalities Department Decision No. 6 of 2018 on the registration system of a third party office for auditing and inspecting engineering projects in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Head of the Planning and Municipalities Department Decision No. 6 of 2018 on the registration system of a third party office for auditing and inspecting engineering projects in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 2 of 2018 about the issuance of the executive regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 regarding swimming pools Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 2 of 2018 about the issuance of the executive regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 regarding swimming pools |
Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 2 of 2018 about the issuance of the executive regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 regarding swimming pools Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 2 of 2018 about the issuance of the executive regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 regarding swimming pools |
Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 3 of 2018 regarding the issuance of the guide concerning the executive regulation of Law No. 2 of 2012 about swimming pools Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 3 of 2018 regarding the issuance of the guide concerning the executive regulation of Law No. 2 of 2012 about swimming pools |
Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 4 of 2018 about the issuance of the Executive Regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 regarding animal control Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 4 of 2018 about the issuance of the Executive Regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 regarding animal control |
Amiri Decree No. 12 of 2017 on appointing the Chairman of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Amiri Decree No. 12 of 2017 on appointing the Chairman of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Amiri Decree No. 13 of 2017 on "Restructuring the Executive Council" of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Amiri Decree No. 13 of 2017 on "Restructuring the Executive Council" of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Amiri Decree No. 4 of 2017 on the appointment of a member at the Executive Council Amiri Decree No. 4 of 2017 on the appointment of a member at the Executive Council |
Law No. (10) of 2016 Concerning the Amendment of Some Provisions of Law No. (10) of 2006 Concerning the Western Region Municipality and Municipal Council in the Emirate Of Abu Dhabi The following two definitions shall be added to Article (1) of the aforesaid Law No. (10) of 2006 |
Law No. (11) of 2016 Concerning the Amendment of Some Provisions of Law No. (10) of 2007 Concerning Abu Dhabi City Municipality and Municipal Council in the Emirate Of Abu Dhabi The following two definitions shall be added to Article (1) of the aforesaid Law No. (10) of 2007 |
Law No. (12) of 2016 Concerning the Amendment of Some Provisions of Law No. (11) of 2007 Concerning Al Ain City Municipality and Municipal Council in the Emirate Of Abu Dhabi The following two definitions shall be added to Article (1) of the aforesaid Law No. (11) of 2007 |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (73) of 2015 Concerning the Organisation of Desert Farms Affairs All desert farms in the Emirate shall be considered lands that are leased for the purpose specified in this Resolution |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (34)of 2016 Concerning the Engineers' Registration Fees in the Emirate Of Abu Dhabi Law No. (1) of 1974 concerning the reorganisation of the Governmental Body in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and its amendments |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (15) of 2016 Concerning the Municipality Fees on Hotel Stays in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Law No. (1) of 1974 concerning the reorganisation of the Governmental Body in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and its amendments |
Secretary-General's Resolution No. (38) of 2015 Concerning the Leave of H.E. Chairman of the Department of Municipal Affairs H.E. Ahmed Mohammed A! Sherif, Adviser of the Chairman of the Department of Municipal Affairs |
Decision of the Department of Municipal Affairs No. 288 of 2015 authorizing the general managers of to exercise the powers of applying the provisions of the decision to regulate the affairs of the single person No. 73 for the year 2015 Decision of the Department of Municipal Affairs No. 288 of 2015 authorizing the general managers of to exercise the powers of applying the provisions of the decision to regulate the affairs of the single person No. 73 for the year 2015 |
Circular No. (17) of 2015 Concerning Service and Comnnunity Projects and Facilities in the City of Abu Dhabi The Executive Council is pleased to greet you and to extend its sincere gratitude for your continuous cooperation to realise the public interest. |
Decision of the Department of Municipal Affairs No. 132 of 2014 regarding the circulation of public housing inheritance Decision of the Department of Municipal Affairs No. 132 of 2014 regarding the circulation of public housing inheritance |
Municipality of Abu Dhabi City Circular No. (22) for the year 2014 about the violations issued against the consultants Municipality of Abu Dhabi City Circular No. (22) for the year 2014 about the violations issued against the consultants |
Abu Dhabi City Municipality Circular No. (16) for the year 2014 on the prompt service for the issuance of construction permits for the residential partitions and the additions and amendments Abu Dhabi City Municipality Circular No. (16) for the year 2014 on the prompt service for the issuance of construction permits for the residential partitions and the additions and amendments |
Abu Dhabi City Municipality Resolution No. 32 of 2011 to preserve the privacy of residential areas in Abu Dhabi City Abu Dhabi City Municipality Resolution No. 32 of 2011 to preserve the privacy of residential areas in Abu Dhabi City |
Emiri Decree No. (12) For the year 2010 regarding referring of the undersecretary of department to retirement. Emiri Decree No. (12) For the year 2010 regarding referring of the undersecretary of department to retirement. |
the Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No.(63) for the year 2017 to appoint the Director General of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi the Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No.(63) for the year 2017 to appoint the Director General of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi |
Circular No (12) for the year 2017 on sub-websites relating to government bodies and companies Circular No (12) for the year 2017 on sub-websites relating to government bodies and companies |
Decision of the President of the Executive Council No. (14) For the year 2011 regarding the addressing system in the Abu Dhabi Decision of the President of the Executive Council No. (14) For the year 2011 regarding the addressing system in the Abu Dhabi |
Chairman Decision of the Executive Council No. (7) For the year 2011 regarding transfer of land section from Abu Dhabi Food Control Department to the Western Region Municipality Chairman Decision of the Executive Council No. (7) For the year 2011 regarding transfer of land section from Abu Dhabi Food Control Department to the Western Region Municipality |
Decision of Executive Council President No. (52) For the year 2010 regarding allocation a plot for villas projects. Decision of Executive Council President No. (52) For the year 2010 regarding allocation a plot for villas projects. |
Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 58 for the Year 2009 regarding Reshape of the Committee of Distribution and Planning Suitable Places of Estates – cancelled by the Article No. 14 of the Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 73 for the Year 2015 regarding Regulations of Estates Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 58 for the Year 2009 regarding Reshape of the Committee of Distribution and Planning Suitable Places of Estates – cancelled by the Article No. 14 of the Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 73 for the Year 2015 regarding Regulations of Estates |
Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 57 for the Year 2009 Assigning Chief Executives in Abu Dhabi Western Zone Municipality Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 57 for the Year 2009 Assigning Chief Executives in Abu Dhabi Western Zone Municipality |
Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 37 for the Year 2007 regarding Formation of the Committee of Roads Classification in Abu Dhabi Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 37 for the Year 2007 regarding Formation of the Committee of Roads Classification in Abu Dhabi |
Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 49 for the Year 2009 Assigning Chief Executive for the Authority of Municipality Affairs / Al Ain Municipality Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 49 for the Year 2009 Assigning Chief Executive for the Authority of Municipality Affairs / Al Ain Municipality |
Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 48 for the Year 2009 Assigning Chief Executives for the Authority of Municipality Affairs Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 48 for the Year 2009 Assigning Chief Executives for the Authority of Municipality Affairs |
Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 43 for the Year 2009 regarding Formation of Abu Dhabi Center for Houses and Development of Services Facilities - cancelled by the Article No. 4 of the Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 29 for the Year 2010 regarding Cancellation of Abu Dhabi Center for Houses and Development of Services Facilities and Transferring its Jobs to Abu Dhabi Public Service Company Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 43 for the Year 2009 regarding Formation of Abu Dhabi Center for Houses and Development of Services Facilities - cancelled by the Article No. 4 of the Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 29 for the Year 2010 regarding Cancellation of Abu Dhabi Center for Houses and Development of Services Facilities and Transferring its Jobs to Abu Dhabi Public Service Company |
Decision of H.H. The Crown Prince No (82) for the year 2009 on Transferring Director General of Al-Ain Municipality of Emirate of Abu Dhabi to Diwan of H.H. Crown Prince. Decision of H.H. The Crown Prince No (82) for the year 2009 on Transferring Director General of Al-Ain Municipality of Emirate of Abu Dhabi to Diwan of H.H. Crown Prince. |
Decision of the Chairman of the Executive Council No (76) for the year 2009 on Formation of a Committee to Study Economic and Social Impact of the Regulations on Lease Contracts- Formed Committee is cancelled by Decision (76/2009) under Article No (2) of the Decision of the Chairman of the Executive Council No (56) for the year 2010 on Lease Contracts for Locations. Decision of the Chairman of the Executive Council No (76) for the year 2009 on Formation of a Committee to Study Economic and Social Impact of the Regulations on Lease Contracts- Formed Committee is cancelled by Decision (76/2009) under Article No (2) of the Decision of the Chairman of the Executive Council No (56) for the year 2010 on Lease Contracts for Locations. |
Emiri Decree No (13) for the year 2009 on the Appointment of the Director General of Al-Ain City Municipality in Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Emiri Decree No (13) for the year 2009 on the Appointment of the Director General of Al-Ain City Municipality in Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 33 for the Year 2006 Regarding Formation of the Advisory Council for the Abu Dhabi Western Zone Development Council Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 33 for the Year 2006 Regarding Formation of the Advisory Council for the Abu Dhabi Western Zone Development Council |
Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 32 for the Year 2006 Regarding Formation of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Western Zone Town Council Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 32 for the Year 2006 Regarding Formation of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Western Zone Town Council |
Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 20 for the Year 2007 Determining Compensations Allowances of the Chairman and Members of the Advisory Council of the Western Zone Development Council Decision of the Chief of Executive Council No 20 for the Year 2007 Determining Compensations Allowances of the Chairman and Members of the Advisory Council of the Western Zone Development Council |
Chairman of Executive Council Decision No. (23) for the year 2009 on appointing two Executive Managers, Department of Municipal Affairs. Chairman of Executive Council Decision No. (23) for the year 2009 on appointing two Executive Managers, Department of Municipal Affairs. |
Emiri Decree No. (1) for the year 2009 regarding appointing the General Manager of Abu Dhabi City Municipality in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Emiri Decree No. (1) for the year 2009 regarding appointing the General Manager of Abu Dhabi City Municipality in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Decision No (8) For the year 2009 regarding reformation of the development and management of housing and service facilities commission in Abu Dhabi –amendment legislation canceled. Decision No (8) For the year 2009 regarding reformation of the development and management of housing and service facilities commission in Abu Dhabi –amendment legislation canceled. |
Decree No. (28) For the year 2008 regarding of the District Distribution and Planning Committee Appropriate for bachelors - cancelled by article 5 of the decision of the President of the Executive Council No. (58) For the year 2009 on of the Committee for the allocation and planning areas suitable for bachelors. Decree No. (28) For the year 2008 regarding of the District Distribution and Planning Committee Appropriate for bachelors - cancelled by article 5 of the decision of the President of the Executive Council No. (58) For the year 2009 on of the Committee for the allocation and planning areas suitable for bachelors. |
Law No. (5) For the year 2008 amending some provisions of Law No. (4) For the year 2006 Establishment of the Department of Transport - amended legislation repealed. Law No. (5) For the year 2008 amending some provisions of Law No. (4) For the year 2006 Establishment of the Department of Transport - amended legislation repealed. |
Decision No. (19) For the year 2008 appointing executive directors of the Municipality and Municipalities Affairs Department Affiliated to the Emirate. Decision No. (19) For the year 2008 appointing executive directors of the Municipality and Municipalities Affairs Department Affiliated to the Emirate. |
Decision No. (53) For the year 2007 regarding the committees for the settlement of rental disputes by issuing head of the Judicial Department decision No. (9) For the year 2010 on the committees of dissolution of rental disputes and followed procedures. Decision No. (53) For the year 2007 regarding the committees for the settlement of rental disputes by issuing head of the Judicial Department decision No. (9) For the year 2010 on the committees of dissolution of rental disputes and followed procedures. |
Decision No. (44) For the year 2007 entrusting H/E Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak to undertake the work of President Department of Municipal Affairs. Decision No. (44) For the year 2007 entrusting H/E Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak to undertake the work of President Department of Municipal Affairs. |
Decision No. (42) For the year 2007 issuing the internal regulations of Law No. (12) For the year 2006 To establish the Western Region Development Council in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Decision No. (42) For the year 2007 issuing the internal regulations of Law No. (12) For the year 2006 To establish the Western Region Development Council in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Decision No. (40) For the year 2007 regarding appointment of the head of the apparatus for the protection of vital installations and facilities - cancelled by article, (3) of the President of the Executive council decision no (35) For the year 2010 regarding appointment of the head of the Organization for the Protection of Facilities and Vital Facilities. Decision No. (40) For the year 2007 regarding appointment of the head of the apparatus for the protection of vital installations and facilities - cancelled by article, (3) of the President of the Executive council decision no (35) For the year 2010 regarding appointment of the head of the Organization for the Protection of Facilities and Vital Facilities. |
Decision No. (26) For the year 2007 on of the Committee for the Development and Management of Housing and Utilities Service in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi - amended legislation is repealed. Decision No. (26) For the year 2007 on of the Committee for the Development and Management of Housing and Utilities Service in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi - amended legislation is repealed. |
Decree No. (17) For the year 2007 in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi on appointment of the Director General of the Municipality of Al Ain City. Decree No. (17) For the year 2007 in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi on appointment of the Director General of the Municipality of Al Ain City. |
Decree No. (16) For the year 2007 Concerning appointment of the Director General of Abu Dhabi City Municipality in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Decree No. (16) For the year 2007 Concerning appointment of the Director General of Abu Dhabi City Municipality in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Decree No. (15) For the year 2007 regarding appointment of an agent for the Department of Municipal Affairs. Decree No. (15) For the year 2007 regarding appointment of an agent for the Department of Municipal Affairs. |
Decree No. (14) For the year 2007 regarding appointment of the Head of the Department of Municipal Affairs. Decree No. (14) For the year 2007 regarding appointment of the Head of the Department of Municipal Affairs. |
Law No. (14) For the year 2007 Concerning the Establishment of the Organization for the Protection of Facilities and Vital Facilities - Canceled Pursuant to the second article of Law No. (1) of 2012 on the abolition of the Institution Protection Authority And vital facilities. Law No. (14) For the year 2007 Concerning the Establishment of the Organization for the Protection of Facilities and Vital Facilities - Canceled Pursuant to the second article of Law No. (1) of 2012 on the abolition of the Institution Protection Authority And vital facilities. |
Law No. (11) For the year 2007 in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi on the Municipality and Municipal Council of Al Ain City, Abu Dhabi Emirate. Law No. (11) For the year 2007 in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi on the Municipality and Municipal Council of Al Ain City, Abu Dhabi Emirate. |
Law No. (10) For the year 2007 Concerning Municipality and Municipal Council Abu Dhabi City, Abu Dhabi Emirate. Law No. (10) For the year 2007 Concerning Municipality and Municipal Council Abu Dhabi City, Abu Dhabi Emirate. |
Law No. (9) For the year 2007 Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Municipal Affairs - Law No. 13 of 2016 on the establishment of the Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport. Law No. (9) For the year 2007 Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Municipal Affairs - Law No. 13 of 2016 on the establishment of the Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport. |
Executive council head decision No (52) For the year 2006 regarding forming the committee of developing and administrative residence and facilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Cancelled under article (15) of the decision of the head of the executive council no (43) For the year 2009 regarding establish Abu Dubai center for residence and developing the public project committee. Executive council head decision No (52) For the year 2006 regarding forming the committee of developing and administrative residence and facilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Cancelled under article (15) of the decision of the head of the executive council no (43) For the year 2009 regarding establish Abu Dubai center for residence and developing the public project committee. |
Decree No. (7) For the year 2004 regarding appointment of Undersecretary Assistant of labor Department Decree No. (7) For the year 2004 regarding appointment of Undersecretary Assistant of labor Department |
Decree No. (6) For the year 2004 retirement of Undersecretary Assistant for Technical Services of labor Department Decree No. (6) For the year 2004 retirement of Undersecretary Assistant for Technical Services of labor Department |
Decree No. (13) For the year 2004 Regarding appointment of Abu Dhabi Municipality and City planning Undersecretary. Decree No. (13) For the year 2004 Regarding appointment of Abu Dhabi Municipality and City planning Undersecretary. |
Decree No. (21) For the year 2004 retirement of undersecretary of Municipality and City planning in Alain. Decree No. (21) For the year 2004 retirement of undersecretary of Municipality and City planning in Alain. |
Decree No. (20) For the year 2004 regarding acceptance of resignation of Chairperson of Municipality of Abu Dhabi and City planning. Decree No. (20) For the year 2004 regarding acceptance of resignation of Chairperson of Municipality of Abu Dhabi and City planning. |
Decree No. (19) For the year 2004 regarding retirement of resignation of Chairperson of Municipality of Abu Dhabi and City planning. Decree No. (19) For the year 2004 regarding retirement of resignation of Chairperson of Municipality of Abu Dhabi and City planning. |
Decision No. (43) For the year 2006 regarding formation Appeal committee –revoked according to Article 3 of decision (53) regarding adjustment Committees of rental disputes. Decision No. (43) For the year 2006 regarding formation Appeal committee –revoked according to Article 3 of decision (53) regarding adjustment Committees of rental disputes. |
Decision No. (42) For the year 2006 regarding formation of adjustment rental disputes Committee - revoked according to Article 3 of decision (53) For the year 2007 regarding adjustment Committees of rental disputes. Decision No. (42) For the year 2006 regarding formation of adjustment rental disputes Committee - revoked according to Article 3 of decision (53) For the year 2007 regarding adjustment Committees of rental disputes. |
Decree No (5) For the year 2005 regarding appointment of Undersecretary Assistant for Administrative and Financial Affairs of Municipalities and Agriculture Ministry. Decree No (5) For the year 2005 regarding appointment of Undersecretary Assistant for Administrative and Financial Affairs of Municipalities and Agriculture Ministry. |
Decision No. (5) of Session 4/2005 regarding reformation of Sanitation Committees in Abu Dhabi. Decision No. (5) of Session 4/2005 regarding reformation of Sanitation Committees in Abu Dhabi. |
Decision No. (33) Session 11/2003 regarding replacement of a member of the Public Projects Committee. Decision No. (33) Session 11/2003 regarding replacement of a member of the Public Projects Committee. |
Decree No. (19) for the year 2003 on referral of an Assistant Undersecretary to retirement, Department of Abu Dhabi Municipality and Town Planning. Decree No. (19) for the year 2003 on referral of an Assistant Undersecretary to retirement, Department of Abu Dhabi Municipality and Town Planning. |
Decree No. (17) for the year 2003 on reformation of the Municipal Council of Al Ain. Decree No. (17) for the year 2003 on reformation of the Municipal Council of Al Ain. |
Decree No. (17) for the year 2003 on reformation of the Municipal Council of Al Ain. Decree No. (17) for the year 2003 on reformation of the Municipal Council of Al Ain. |
Decree No. (4) for the year 2003 on amending some provisions of the Law regarding maintaining the integrity of cables and overhead lines. Decree No. (4) for the year 2003 on amending some provisions of the Law regarding maintaining the integrity of cables and overhead lines. |
Decree No. (6) for the year 2003 regarding appointment of an Assistant Undersecretary, Department of Abu Dhabi Municipality and Town Planning. Decree No. (6) for the year 2003 regarding appointment of an Assistant Undersecretary, Department of Abu Dhabi Municipality and Town Planning. |
Decree No. (5) for the year 2003 on referral of an Assistant Undersecretary to retirement, Department of Abu Dhabi Municipality and Town Planning. Decree No. (5) for the year 2003 on referral of an Assistant Undersecretary to retirement, Department of Abu Dhabi Municipality and Town Planning. |
Law No. (12) For the year 2006 Concerning Formation of development council for the western region in Abu Dhabi Emirate, Law No. (12) For the year 2006 Concerning Formation of development council for the western region in Abu Dhabi Emirate, |
The law according to the latest modification – Law No. (10) For the year 2006 concerning the municipality and the municipal council of the western region of Abu Dhabi Emirate. The law according to the latest modification – Law No. (10) For the year 2006 concerning the municipality and the municipal council of the western region of Abu Dhabi Emirate. |
Decision No.(26) For the year 2005 regarding formation of a committee to allocate lands and public houses for citizens- canceled according to article 6 of the decision of the president of the executive council No.(41) For the year 2009 regarding formation of a committee to allocate lands and public houses for citizens and acting thereon. Decision No.(26) For the year 2005 regarding formation of a committee to allocate lands and public houses for citizens- canceled according to article 6 of the decision of the president of the executive council No.(41) For the year 2009 regarding formation of a committee to allocate lands and public houses for citizens and acting thereon. |
Decision No. (10) for the year 2005 regarding formation of the Committee for the Construction of Public Housing in the Western Region - This is cancelled by Article (6) of President of the Executive Council Decision No. (52) for the year 2006 concerning formation of the Committee for the Development and Management of Housing and Utilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Decision No. (10) for the year 2005 regarding formation of the Committee for the Construction of Public Housing in the Western Region - This is cancelled by Article (6) of President of the Executive Council Decision No. (52) for the year 2006 concerning formation of the Committee for the Development and Management of Housing and Utilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Decision No. (6) for the year 2005 regarding formation of the Committee for Following up the Allocation of Land and Popular Housing for Citizens - This is cancelled by Article (6) of Decision No. (26 ) for the year 2005 concerning formation of the Committee for Allocation of Land and Popular Housing for Citizens. Decision No. (6) for the year 2005 regarding formation of the Committee for Following up the Allocation of Land and Popular Housing for Citizens - This is cancelled by Article (6) of Decision No. (26 ) for the year 2005 concerning formation of the Committee for Allocation of Land and Popular Housing for Citizens. |
Law No. (4) for the year 2006 regarding the establishment of the Transport Department - cancelled by virtue of the text of Article (13) of the Law No. (13) for the year 2016 concerning the establishment of the Municipal Affairs and Transport Department. Law No. (4) for the year 2006 regarding the establishment of the Transport Department - cancelled by virtue of the text of Article (13) of the Law No. (13) for the year 2016 concerning the establishment of the Municipal Affairs and Transport Department. |
Decision No. (12) for the year 1989, regarding the cases of the employees on Al Ain Municipality. Decision No. (12) for the year 1989, regarding the cases of the employees on Al Ain Municipality. |
Decision No. (12) for the year 1989, regarding the cases of the employees on Al Ain Municipality. Decision No. (12) for the year 1989, regarding the cases of the employees on Al Ain Municipality. |
Decision of the Crown Prince No. (4), for the year 1996, regarding the formation and competences of the committee for the organization of the relation between the Commercial Buildings Department on one hand and the owners and lessees on the other hand – Cancelled pursuant to article 2 of Decision No. (14), for the year 2005, by amendment of certain provisions, regarding the terms and rules for lease of commercial buildings to the owners thereof. Decision of the Crown Prince No. (4), for the year 1996, regarding the formation and competences of the committee for the organization of the relation between the Commercial Buildings Department on one hand and the owners and lessees on the other hand – Cancelled pursuant to article 2 of Decision No. (14), for the year 2005, by amendment of certain provisions, regarding the terms and rules for lease of commercial buildings to the owners thereof. |
Act No. (3) for the Year 1997 regarding the amendment of Act No (2) for the year 1994 on leasing and the arrangement of relationship between Lessors and tenants- amended legislation is repealed. Act No. (3) for the Year 1997 regarding the amendment of Act No (2) for the year 1994 on leasing and the arrangement of relationship between Lessors and tenants- amended legislation is repealed. |
Act No. (3) for the Year 1995 on Maintaining General Appearance of Buildings in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi- repealed under provisions of Article (9) of Act No (2) for the year 2012 on Maintaining General Appearance, Health and Public Calmness in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Act No. (3) for the Year 1995 on Maintaining General Appearance of Buildings in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi- repealed under provisions of Article (9) of Act No (2) for the year 2012 on Maintaining General Appearance, Health and Public Calmness in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Act No. (2) for the Year 1994 on leasing and the arrangement of relationship between Lessors and tenants- repealed under provisions of Article (33) of Act No (20) for the year 2006 on leasing and the arrangement of relationship between Lessors and tenants in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Act No. (2) for the Year 1994 on leasing and the arrangement of relationship between Lessors and tenants- repealed under provisions of Article (33) of Act No (20) for the year 2006 on leasing and the arrangement of relationship between Lessors and tenants in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Municipal order No. (1) for the year 1986, regarding the organization of the advertisements. Municipal order No. (1) for the year 1986, regarding the organization of the advertisements. |
Decision No. (1) for the year 1985, regarding the control of the lands. Decision No. (1) for the year 1985, regarding the control of the lands. |
Decision No. (7) for the year 1985, regarding the formation of a committee for supervising and follow-up of the purchases, tenders and bids related to government authorities in the Eastern Region. Decision No. (7) for the year 1985, regarding the formation of a committee for supervising and follow-up of the purchases, tenders and bids related to government authorities in the Eastern Region. |
Act No. (2) for the Year 1992 regarding the amendment of the Act on Loans for Citizens’ Private Homes- amended legislation is repealed. Act No. (2) for the Year 1992 regarding the amendment of the Act on Loans for Citizens’ Private Homes- amended legislation is repealed. |
Act No. (3) for the Year 1990 on Loans for Citizens’ Private Homes- repealed under provisions of Article (25) of Act No (9) for the year 2008 on Reorganization of Citizens’ Private Homes.. Act No. (3) for the Year 1990 on Loans for Citizens’ Private Homes- repealed under provisions of Article (25) of Act No (9) for the year 2008 on Reorganization of Citizens’ Private Homes.. |
Act No. (2) for the Year 1990 on Municipality Councils in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi- repealed under provisions of Article (6) of Act No (9) for the year 2007 on the establishment of Municipality Affairs Department.. Act No. (2) for the Year 1990 on Municipality Councils in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi- repealed under provisions of Article (6) of Act No (9) for the year 2007 on the establishment of Municipality Affairs Department.. |
Municipal Order No. (2) for the year 1983, regarding amendment of some provisions of the Municipal Order regarding the placement, display or selling of goods through the public market roads and passages. Municipal Order No. (2) for the year 1983, regarding amendment of some provisions of the Municipal Order regarding the placement, display or selling of goods through the public market roads and passages. |
Municipal Order No. (1) for the year 1983, regarding prohibition of hawkers activity. Municipal Order No. (1) for the year 1983, regarding prohibition of hawkers activity. |
Decision No. (8) for the year 1980, regarding the Department tasks Decision No. (8) for the year 1980, regarding the Department tasks |
Decision No. (15) for the year 1980, regarding the billboards Decision No. (15) for the year 1980, regarding the billboards |
Decision No. (23) for the year 1982, regarding placement, display or selling of goods in public markets passages and corridors. Decision No. (23) for the year 1982, regarding placement, display or selling of goods in public markets passages and corridors. |
Municipal Order No. (2) for the year 1982, regarding placement, display or selling of goods through passages and corridors within the public market places. Municipal Order No. (2) for the year 1982, regarding placement, display or selling of goods through passages and corridors within the public market places. |
Municipal Order No. (1) for the year 1982, regarding regulation of selling according to discounted prices (Discounts and Clearances) Municipal Order No. (1) for the year 1982, regarding regulation of selling according to discounted prices (Discounts and Clearances) |
Ministerial Decision No. (2) for the year 1982, regarding transport and seizure of cars in breaching impeding the traffic movement. Ministerial Decision No. (2) for the year 1982, regarding transport and seizure of cars in breaching impeding the traffic movement. |
Decision No. (1), for the year 1977, regarding determination of prices and specification for bread. Decision No. (1), for the year 1977, regarding determination of prices and specification for bread. |
Order No. (1), for the year 1976, regarding organization of the buildings- Cancelled pursuant to stipulation of article (22) of law No. (1), for the year 1983, on regulation of construction works. Order No. (1), for the year 1976, regarding organization of the buildings- Cancelled pursuant to stipulation of article (22) of law No. (1), for the year 1983, on regulation of construction works. |
Municipal order No. (2), for the year 1978, regarding surveillance of lands Municipal order No. (2), for the year 1978, regarding surveillance of lands |
Municipal order No. (10), for the year 1978, regarding increase of wages of the Municipal Council Members in Al Ain city. Municipal order No. (10), for the year 1978, regarding increase of wages of the Municipal Council Members in Al Ain city. |
Decision No. (31), for the year 1975, regarding payment of infection allowance for employees and labors in sewage section in Abu Dhabi Municipality and Urban planning Department. Decision No. (31), for the year 1975, regarding payment of infection allowance for employees and labors in sewage section in Abu Dhabi Municipality and Urban planning Department. |
Decision No. (11), for the year 1975, regarding the Department assigned to execute residences and sewage projects. Decision No. (11), for the year 1975, regarding the Department assigned to execute residences and sewage projects. |
Decision No. (40), for the year 1975, regarding execution of tasks of the Department and committee assigned with public projects. Decision No. (40), for the year 1975, regarding execution of tasks of the Department and committee assigned with public projects. |
Municipal Order No. (1), for the year 1974, regarding determination of the prices and specifications of the bread. Municipal Order No. (1), for the year 1974, regarding determination of the prices and specifications of the bread. |
Decision No. (34), for the year 1974, regarding the tasks of the Department. Decision No. (34), for the year 1974, regarding the tasks of the Department. |
Ministerial Decision No. (3), for the year 1973, regarding inspection of flour and bread. Ministerial Decision No. (3), for the year 1973, regarding inspection of flour and bread. |
Circular No. (4) for the year 1978 on considering Ghaythi and Bidaa Hazzaa as remote areas. Circular No. (4) for the year 1978 on considering Ghaythi and Bidaa Hazzaa as remote areas. |
Circular No. (10) for the year 1977 on considering Al-Samha village and Al-Simaih area as remote areas. Circular No. (10) for the year 1977 on considering Al-Samha village and Al-Simaih area as remote areas. |
Circular No. (8) for the year 1977 on considering the regions of Al-Khazna, Al- Wathba and Al-Gharraba, Rimah, Bo-Hiran, Al-Gassima and Al-Sad as remote areas. Circular No. (8) for the year 1977 on considering the regions of Al-Khazna, Al- Wathba and Al-Gharraba, Rimah, Bo-Hiran, Al-Gassima and Al-Sad as remote areas. |
Circular No. (67), for the year 1992, regarding the Municipality and Urban planning Department in Al Ain . Circular No. (67), for the year 1992, regarding the Municipality and Urban planning Department in Al Ain . |
Circular No. (6) for the year 1977 on considering the regions of Al-Fagaa, Khidr and Bidaa Bint Ahmad, Al-Kooa (Midaisees), Al-Shuwayeb, Al-Silayel and Belayyad, Mizyad, Al-Rawdah and UM-Ghaffa, Abu-Samra, Al-Wagan, Al-Khab and Shiaab Al-Ghaf, as remote areas. Circular No. (6) for the year 1977 on considering the regions of Al-Fagaa, Khidr and Bidaa Bint Ahmad, Al-Kooa (Midaisees), Al-Shuwayeb, Al-Silayel and Belayyad, Mizyad, Al-Rawdah and UM-Ghaffa, Abu-Samra, Al-Wagan, Al-Khab and Shiaab Al-Ghaf, as remote areas. |
Circular No. (8) for the year 1976 on considering Al-Wagan Outpost, Al-Khab Outpost and Shiaab Al-Ghaf Outpost as remote areas. Circular No. (8) for the year 1976 on considering Al-Wagan Outpost, Al-Khab Outpost and Shiaab Al-Ghaf Outpost as remote areas. |
Circular No. (6) for the year 1976 on considering Seer Bani Yas Island and Liwa region as remote areas. Circular No. (6) for the year 1976 on considering Seer Bani Yas Island and Liwa region as remote areas. |
Circular No. (3), for the year 1982, on considering Ghamdh and Alarad as remote areas. Circular No. (3), for the year 1982, on considering Ghamdh and Alarad as remote areas. |
Circular No. (1), for the year 1981, regarding consideration of Abud Elbukoush, Arzena Island and Zarkwa Island as remote areas. Circular No. (1), for the year 1981, regarding consideration of Abud Elbukoush, Arzena Island and Zarkwa Island as remote areas. |
Circular No. (2), for the year 1980, regarding consideration of Alrwaiss and Marfa as remote areas. Circular No. (2), for the year 1980, regarding consideration of Alrwaiss and Marfa as remote areas. |
Circular No. (9) for the year 1975 on considering regions of Al-Salaa, Suwayeh and al-Habar as remote areas. Circular No. (9) for the year 1975 on considering regions of Al-Salaa, Suwayeh and al-Habar as remote areas. |
Circular No. (18) for the year 1974 on considering Mubarraz Island as a remote area. Circular No. (18) for the year 1974 on considering Mubarraz Island as a remote area. |
7) for the year 1971 on Ministries and Government Department to send copies of all of their 7) for the year 1971 on Ministries and Government Department to send copies of all of their |
Circular No. (5) for the year 1971 on consultative works and studies- repealed under provisions of Item (A) of the Circular No (18)for the year 1972 on Methods of Selecting Consultative Enterprises. Circular No. (5) for the year 1971 on consultative works and studies- repealed under provisions of Item (A) of the Circular No (18)for the year 1972 on Methods of Selecting Consultative Enterprises. |
Circular No. (6) for the year 1973 on Regulations for Municipal Councils- Amended legislation is repealed. Circular No. (6) for the year 1973 on Regulations for Municipal Councils- Amended legislation is repealed. |
Regulation No (4) for the year 1976 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation of the Municipality Councils- amended legislation is repealed. Regulation No (4) for the year 1976 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation of the Municipality Councils- amended legislation is repealed. |
Regulation No (17) for the year 1972 on Municipality Councils. Repealed under provisions of Article (14) of the Regulation No (2) for the year 1990 on Municipality Councils in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Regulation No (17) for the year 1972 on Municipality Councils. Repealed under provisions of Article (14) of the Regulation No (2) for the year 1990 on Municipality Councils in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Regulation No (10) for the year 1972 on Al-Ain City Municipality Council. Regulation No (10) for the year 1972 on Al-Ain City Municipality Council. |
Regulation No (9) for the year 1972 on Al-Ain City Municipality Council- Repealed under provisions of Article (16) of the Regulation No (17) for the year 1976 on Municipality Councils. Regulation No (9) for the year 1972 on Al-Ain City Municipality Council- Repealed under provisions of Article (16) of the Regulation No (17) for the year 1976 on Municipality Councils. |
Emiri Decree No (18) for the year 1976 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Decree No (44) for the year 1966- amended legislation is repealed. Emiri Decree No (18) for the year 1976 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Decree No (44) for the year 1966- amended legislation is repealed. |
Emiri Decree No (7) for the year 1975 on Dissolving The Municipality Council of Abu Dhabi City. Emiri Decree No (7) for the year 1975 on Dissolving The Municipality Council of Abu Dhabi City. |
Regulation No (1) for the year 1988 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for Municipality Councils- amended Regulation is repealed. Regulation No (1) for the year 1988 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for Municipality Councils- amended Regulation is repealed. |
Emiri Decree No (44) for the year 1968 on Land Registration- repealed under provision of Article No (15) of Act No. (11) for the year 1979 on Land Registration. Emiri Decree No (44) for the year 1968 on Land Registration- repealed under provision of Article No (15) of Act No. (11) for the year 1979 on Land Registration. |
Emiri Decree No (33) for the year 1968 on the Regulation on Land Leasing for Purposes of Building- repealed under provision of Article No (14) of Act No. (19) for the year 2005 on Real Estate Ownership. Emiri Decree No (33) for the year 1968 on the Regulation on Land Leasing for Purposes of Building- repealed under provision of Article No (14) of Act No. (19) for the year 2005 on Real Estate Ownership. |
Act No. (1) for the Year 1983 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Act on Maintaining the Safety of the Lines of Services. Act No. (1) for the Year 1983 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Act on Maintaining the Safety of the Lines of Services. |
Emiri Decree No (43) for the year 1971 on Defining terms of Reference and Responsibilities of the Ministry of Works. Emiri Decree No (43) for the year 1971 on Defining terms of Reference and Responsibilities of the Ministry of Works. |
Act No. (5) for the Year 1980 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Act on Land Registration- repealed under provisions of Article No (15) of Act No. (3) for the year 2005 on Organization of Registration of Real Estate in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Act No. (5) for the Year 1980 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Act on Land Registration- repealed under provisions of Article No (15) of Act No. (3) for the year 2005 on Organization of Registration of Real Estate in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Act No. (4) for the Year 1980 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Act on Maintaining the Safety of the Lines of Services. Act No. (4) for the Year 1980 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Act on Maintaining the Safety of the Lines of Services. |
Act No. (11) for the Year 1979 on Land Registration- repealed under provisions of Article No (15) of Act No. (3) for the year 2005 on Organization of Registration of Real Estate in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Act No. (11) for the Year 1979 on Land Registration- repealed under provisions of Article No (15) of Act No. (3) for the year 2005 on Organization of Registration of Real Estate in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Law No. (8) for the year 1969 regarding the local orders - This is cancelled by Article (14) of Law No. (2) for the year 1990 concerning the municipal councils in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Law No. (8) for the year 1969 regarding the local orders - This is cancelled by Article (14) of Law No. (2) for the year 1990 concerning the municipal councils in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (63) of 2017 Concerning the Appointment of the Director-General of Abu Dhabi City Municipality H.E. Saif Badr Al Qubaisi shall be appointed as the Director-General of Abu Dhabi City Municipality. |
Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 32 of 2018 on permits to "engage in commercial activities" in residential and investment areas Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 32 of 2018 on permits to "engage in commercial activities" in residential and investment areas |
The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Resolution No 50 for the year 2017 about issuing the Special Guidance Manual relating to the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 for the year 2012 concerning Health Control of Non-Food related Establishments The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Resolution No 50 for the year 2017 about issuing the Special Guidance Manual relating to the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 for the year 2012 concerning Health Control of Non-Food related Establishments |
The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Decision No 52 for the year 2017 on issuing the Special Guideline relating to the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 of 2012 about billboards The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Decision No 52 for the year 2017 on issuing the Special Guideline relating to the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 of 2012 about billboards |
Ordinances concerning Billboards Ordinances concerning Billboards |
Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 49 of 2017 about the issuance of the Executive Regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 concerning "Health Control of Non-Food establishments." Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 49 of 2017 about the issuance of the Executive Regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 concerning "Health Control of Non-Food establishments." |
Head of the Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Decree No. 50 of 2017 about the Issuance of the Guideline on the Executive Regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 concerning Health Control of Non-Food Establishments Head of the Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Decree No. 50 of 2017 about the Issuance of the Guideline on the Executive Regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 concerning Health Control of Non-Food Establishments |
Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 51 of 2017 about the issuance of the executive regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 concerning billboards Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 51 of 2017 about the issuance of the executive regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 concerning billboards |
Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 52 of 2017 about the issuance of the Guideline on the Executive Regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 regarding billboards Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities Decree No. 52 of 2017 about the issuance of the Guideline on the Executive Regulations of Law No. 2 of 2012 regarding billboards |
Executive Council Decision No. 7 of 2017 about the operational organisation at the wholesale market for vegetables and fruits Executive Council Decision No. 7 of 2017 about the operational organisation at the wholesale market for vegetables and fruits |
The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Decision No 51 for the year 2017 on issuing the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 of 2012 relating to billboards The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Decision No 51 for the year 2017 on issuing the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 of 2012 relating to billboards |
The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Decision No 51 for the year 2017 on issuing the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 of 2012 relating to billboards The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Decision No 51 for the year 2017 on issuing the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 of 2012 relating to billboards |
The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Resolution No 50 for the year 2017 about issuing the Special Guidance Manual relating to the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 for the year 2012 concerning Health Control of Non-Food related Establishments The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Resolution No 50 for the year 2017 about issuing the Special Guidance Manual relating to the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 for the year 2012 concerning Health Control of Non-Food related Establishments |
The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Decision No 52 for the year 2017 on issuing the Special Guideline relating to the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 of 2012 about billboards The Head of Urban Planning and Municipalities Department Decision No 52 for the year 2017 on issuing the Special Guideline relating to the Executive Regulations of Act No 2 of 2012 about billboards |
Abu Dhabi City Municipality Circular No. 002 of 2019 regarding working at heights Abu Dhabi City Municipality Circular No. 002 of 2019 regarding working at heights |
Abu Dhabi City Municipality Circular No. 003 of 2019 regarding safety requirements for tower cranes in construction projects Abu Dhabi City Municipality Circular No. 003 of 2019 regarding safety requirements for tower cranes in construction projects |
Abu Dhabi City Municipality Circular No. 001 of 2019 regarding the cleanliness of construction sites Abu Dhabi City Municipality Circular No. 001 of 2019 regarding the cleanliness of construction sites |
Circular of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City No. (001) of 2021 regarding safety requirements for tower cranes Circular of the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City No. (001) of 2021 regarding safety requirements for tower cranes |
Abu Dhabi City Municipality Circular No. (002) of 2021 regarding the approval of the list of technical inspection companies (third party) Abu Dhabi City Municipality Circular No. (002) of 2021 regarding the approval of the list of technical inspection companies (third party) |