
Minister of Interior Decision Approving the Executive Regulation of the Law of the Activities Inconvenient, Dangerous and Harmful to Health and Environment

After reviewing Article (8), of the law of inconvenient activities, dangerous or activities harmful to...

Royal Decree Approving the Law of the Activities Inconvenient, Dangerous and Harmful to Health and Environment

Based on the Royal Order No (25) dated 8/3/1423H...

Royal Decree Approving the Law of the Activities Inconvenient, Dangerous and Harmful to Health and Environment

Based on the Royal Order No (25) dated 8/3/1423H...

The Basic Executive Regulation of the Law of the Activities Inconvenient, Dangerous and Harmful to Health and Environment

Law: law of inconvenient and dangerous activities and activities harmful to...

The Text of the Law of the Activities Inconvenient, Dangerous and Harmful to Health and Environment

It is impermissible to establish or run a premise for practicing a disturbing, dangerous or jeopardizing to health or the environment activity, save with a license from...

Decision of the Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture No. (449351/1/1442) dated 15/8/1442 AH Adopting the executive regulation on the prevention and treatment of soil pollution

First: Adopting the executive regulation of the environment law on the prevention and treatment of soil pollution, as attached.