
Ministerial Resolution Approving the Regulation of the services of the arrivals from outside the Kingdom to perform Umra and Visitors of the Prophet’s Holy Mosque

Approval of the Regulation of the services of the arrivals from outside the Kingdom to perform Umra and Visitors of the Prophet’s Holy Mosque according to the form...

The Executive Regulation of the Organization of Services of Visitors of Madina for Minor Pilgrimage (Umrah) and the Visitors to the Prophetic Mosque from Abroad

The following expressions stated in this regulation shall have the meanings indicated opposite of each unless the context requires...

The Executive Regulation of the Organization of Services of Visitors of Madina for Minor Pilgrimage (Umrah) and the Visitors to the Prophetic Mosque from Abroad

The following expressions stated in this regulation shall have the meanings indicated opposite of each unless the context requires...

The executive regulations to regulate the services of Umrah performers and visitors to the Prophet's Mosque coming from outside the Kingdom issued by the Council of minister Resolution No. (93) dated 10/6/1420 AH

The executive regulations to regulate the services of Umrah performers and visitors to the Prophet's Mosque coming from outside the Kingdom issued by the Council of minister Resolution No. (93) dated 10/6/1420 AH