
The Text of the Law of Substituting Fine By Imprisonment

In executing verdicts, imprisonment may not be substituted by fine...

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 128 dated 25/4/1380H regarding the approval of replacement of fine by prison regulation.

Decision of Council of Ministers No. 128 dated 25/4/1380H regarding the approval of replacement of fine by prison regulation.

Royal Decree No. M/22 dated 26/5/1380H regarding the approval of replacement of fine by prison regulation.

Royal Decree No. M/22 dated 26/5/1380H regarding the approval of replacement of fine by prison regulation.

Royal Decree No. M / 22 dated 26/5/1380 AH Approving the law of replacing the fine with imprisonment penalty

In the enforcement of sentences, imprisonment penalty may not be replaced by a fine. The fine may be replaced by imprisonment penalty with the conditions and restrictions set forth in this law.

Cabinet Decision No. 128 dated 25/4/1380 AH approving the law of replacing the fine with imprisonment

First: Approval of the draft law for replacing the fine with imprisonment in the manner recorded in the papers accompanying this

The Implementing Regulations According to the Latest Amendment - Ministry of Interior Resolution No. (21913) dated 17/10/1436 H Regarding the Implementing Regulations for the Law of Explosives and Fireworks Promulgated by Royal Decree No. (38) dated 28/4/1428 H

The Implementing Regulations According to the Latest Amendment - Ministry of Interior Resolution No. (21913) dated 17/10/1436 H