Law No. (6) of 2023 Concerning The Reorganisation of Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company "Public Joint Stock Company" Law No. (6) of 2023 |
Department of Energy Policy on Energy Production from Waste (EFW) in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Department of Energy Policy on Energy Production from Waste (EFW) in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Decision of the President of the Department of Energy No. (22) of 2020 regarding the schedule of violations and administrative fines Decision of the President of the Department of Energy No. (22) of 2020 regarding the schedule of violations and administrative fines |
Law No. (20) for the year 2018 on the establishment of Emirates Water and Electricity Company "a Public Shareholding Company". Law No. (20) for the year 2018 on the establishment of Emirates Water and Electricity Company "a Public Shareholding Company". |
Health Department Circular No. 58 of 2019 regarding obliging medical laboratories to obtain accreditation in accordance with International Standard ISO15189 Health Department Circular No. 58 of 2019 regarding obliging medical laboratories to obtain accreditation in accordance with International Standard ISO15189 |
The Head of the Department of Energy Resolution No. (44) of 2019 Regarding the issuance of District Cooling Regulations Article 2:
Entities and companies engaged in district cooling activities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi shall adjust their status in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations. |
Administrative Decision No. (120) of 2019 On the circulation of secondary industrial products in the industrial sector For industrial facilities licensed in The Emirate of Abu Dhabi, whose industrial activities result in secondary industrial materials, to reintroduce these materials into industrial processes internally by adding production lines for this purpose, with the obligation not to supply these materials from outside their industrial activities until after obtaining a permit Practicing a profession from the competent authorities |
Department of Economic Development Decision No. 120 of 2019 regarding circulation of secondary industrial products in the industrial sector Department of Economic Development Decision No. 120 of 2019 regarding circulation of secondary industrial products in the industrial sector |
The council of ministers Resolution No. (36) of 2019 regarding standard specifications mandatory for application in the United Arab Emirates The council of ministers Resolution No. (36) of 2019 regarding standard specifications mandatory for application in the United Arab Emirates |
Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology letter issued on 2/5/2019 regarding mandatory for all medical laboratories operating in the state to obtain accreditation according to the international standard ISO15189 for quality and efficiency requirements in technical laboratories Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology letter issued on 2/5/2019 regarding mandatory for all medical laboratories operating in the state to obtain accreditation according to the international standard ISO15189 for quality and efficiency requirements in technical laboratories |
Department of Economic Development Decision No. 59 of 2019 regarding the cancellation of Administrative Decision No. 213 of 2015 regarding the requirement to abide to pay the rent of the land as a condition for renewing industrial licenses and only documenting or registering the contract Department of Economic Development Decision No. 59 of 2019 regarding the cancellation of Administrative Decision No. 213 of 2015 regarding the requirement to abide to pay the rent of the land as a condition for renewing industrial licenses and only documenting or registering the contract |
The Executive Council Resolution No. (275) for the year 2018 on the formation of the Board of Directors of Emirates Water and Electricity Company The Executive Council Resolution No. (275) for the year 2018 on the formation of the Board of Directors of Emirates Water and Electricity Company |
Ministry of Labour and Social Development Resolution No. (70) for the year 2018 on licensing the registration of Bahrain Businesswomen Institution (a private institution) Ministry of Labour and Social Development Resolution No. (70) for the year 2018 on licensing the registration of Bahrain Businesswomen Institution (a private institution) |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (26) of 2018 Concerning Additional Competencies of the Department of Energy Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution
No. (26) of 2018
Concerning Additional Competencies of the Department of Energy |
Law No. (11) of 2018 Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Energy Law No. (11) of 2018 Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Energy |
Administrative Circular No. 1 of 2018 regarding the commitment to implement the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Services Infrastructure Guidelines Administrative Circular No. 1 of 2018 regarding the commitment to implement the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Services Infrastructure Guidelines |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (49) of 2017 Concerning the Assignment of Duties of the Board of Directors of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Water and Electricity Sector H.E. Eng. OweidahMurshed Al Murar shall be assigned to carry out the duties of the Board of Directors |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (54) of 2016 Concerning the Event Licensing System in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi The Board of Directors of Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority shall be reformed |
Circular No. (2) of 2016 Concerning the Coordination with Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (OCC) Coordinate with Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (OCC) regarding all the issues related to the specifications in the Emirate |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (151) of 2015 Concerning the Reformation of the Board of Directors of Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council The Board of Directors of Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council shall be reformed |
Amiri Decree No. (4) of 2015 Concerning the Reformation of the Board of Directors of Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority The Board of Directors of Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority shall be reformed under the chairmanship of H.E. Sheikh/ Abdullah bin Mohamed bin Butti Al Hamed and the membership of their Excellencies and Sirs: |
Law No. (1) of 2015 Concerning the Amendment of Certain Provisions of Law No. (3) of 2009 concerning Quality and Conformity in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi The Council shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of at least five members including the Chairman. They shall be appointed, and their remuneration shall be determined, by a Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution |
Circular No. (1) of 2015 On Water and Electricity Consumption Fees To all governmental entities and companies in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you, |
Amiri Decree No. (14) of 2014 Concerning the Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors of Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry The following Excellencies and sirs shall be appointed members of the Board of Directors of Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (77) of 2014 Concerning the Assignment of Duties of the Director General of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Water and Electricity Sector Mr. Saif Saeed Al Qubaisi shall be appointed as Acting Director General of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Water and Electricity Sector |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (3) of 2014 Concerning the Formation of the Supervisory Committee on Elections of the Board of Directors of Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the Year 2014 Law No. (1) of 1974 concerning the Reorganisation of the Governmental Body in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and its amendments |
Law No. (27) For the Year 2005 on Re-organizing the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Abu Dhabi After reviewing the law No. (1) For the year 1974 on re-organizing the governmental organ in Abu Dhabi and its... |
Establishment of the Free Zone in Abu Dhabi After reviewing the law Number (1) for the year 1971 for reorganizing the governmental authority and body in Abu Dhabi |
Decree establishing the amended Dubai Electricity Company for the year 1975 Decree establishing the amended Dubai Electricity Company for the year 1975 |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (12) of 2016 Concerning the Assignment of Duties of the Board of Directors of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Water and Electricity Sector His Excellency Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Hamed shall be assigned to carry out the duties of the Board |
Executive council Decision No. (28) For the year 2010 regarding formation of administrative council of Abu Dhabi Council for Quality and compatibility–the reformation was done according to the decision of executive council director No. (151) For the year 2015 regarding reformation of administrative council of Abu Dhabi ,Council for Quality and compatibility. Executive council Decision No. (28) For the year 2010 regarding formation of administrative council of Abu Dhabi Council for Quality and compatibility–the reformation was done according to the decision of executive council director No. (151) For the year 2015 regarding reformation of administrative council of Abu Dhabi ,Council for Quality and compatibility. |
Law No. 9 for the Year 2009 Amending some Provisions of the Law No. 2 for the Year 1998 regarding Arranging Departments of Water and Electricity in Abu Dhabi Emirate Law No. 9 for the Year 2009 Amending some Provisions of the Law No. 2 for the Year 1998 regarding Arranging Departments of Water and Electricity in Abu Dhabi Emirate |
Law No (3) For the year 2009 regarding the quality and conformance Abu Dhabi. Law No (3) For the year 2009 regarding the quality and conformance Abu Dhabi. |
Decision No (29) For the year 2008 regarding formation of the Board of Directors of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Sector water and electricity. Decision No (29) For the year 2008 regarding formation of the Board of Directors of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the Sector water and electricity. |
Decision No. (6) For the year 2007 on the issuance of the executive regulations of Law No. (6) For the year 2006 Organizing drilling of groundwater wells. Decision No. (6) For the year 2007 on the issuance of the executive regulations of Law No. (6) For the year 2006 Organizing drilling of groundwater wells. |
Law No. (19) For the year 2007 amending some provisions of Law No. (2) For the year 1998 Water and Electricity Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Law No. (19) For the year 2007 amending some provisions of Law No. (2) For the year 1998 Water and Electricity Sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Decision No. (1) For the year 2002 regarding appointment a committee to facilitate work had been perform by General Industry Association. Decision No. (1) For the year 2002 regarding appointment a committee to facilitate work had been perform by General Industry Association. |
Decision No. (3) For the year 2006 concerning issuing the executive bylaw for the law of Khalifa fund to support and develop the small and medium projects in Abu Dhabi Emirate, which was cancelled by the text of article (2) of the Executive council Decision President No (18) For the year 2010 by issuing the bylaw of the law No. (14) For the year 2005 which was modified by law No. (13) For the year 2009 concerning Khalifa fund for projects development. Decision No. (3) For the year 2006 concerning issuing the executive bylaw for the law of Khalifa fund to support and develop the small and medium projects in Abu Dhabi Emirate, which was cancelled by the text of article (2) of the Executive council Decision President No (18) For the year 2010 by issuing the bylaw of the law No. (14) For the year 2005 which was modified by law No. (13) For the year 2009 concerning Khalifa fund for projects development. |
Law No.(27) For the year 2005 regarding reorganization of chamber of commerce and the industry of Abu Dhabi. Law No.(27) For the year 2005 regarding reorganization of chamber of commerce and the industry of Abu Dhabi. |
Act No. (9) for the Year 2001 on Cancellation of the Public Industry Corporation. Act No. (9) for the Year 2001 on Cancellation of the Public Industry Corporation. |
Decision No. (3), for the year 2001, regarding the Ittihad Company for Water and Electricity. Decision No. (3), for the year 2001, regarding the Ittihad Company for Water and Electricity. |
Act No. (3) for the Year 1996 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Act on the establishment of the Excavation Products and Chemicals Ltd. - repealed under provisions of Article (14) of Act No (2) for the year 2003 on the establishment of Oil Services Company (ESNAAD). Act No. (3) for the Year 1996 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Act on the establishment of the Excavation Products and Chemicals Ltd. - repealed under provisions of Article (14) of Act No (2) for the year 2003 on the establishment of Oil Services Company (ESNAAD). |
Act No. (2) for the Year 1996 on Abu Dhabi Food Stuff Factories. Act No. (2) for the Year 1996 on Abu Dhabi Food Stuff Factories. |
Act No. (1) for the Year 1996 on the protection of Oil Facilities in maritime areas- repealed under provisions of Article (7) of Act No (17) for the year 2009 on the Protection of Safety around Installation, Constructions and Artificial Islands in Abu Dhabi Maritime Sites. Act No. (1) for the Year 1996 on the protection of Oil Facilities in maritime areas- repealed under provisions of Article (7) of Act No (17) for the year 2009 on the Protection of Safety around Installation, Constructions and Artificial Islands in Abu Dhabi Maritime Sites. |
Act No. (2) for the Year 1995 on dissolving Abu Dhabi National Corporation for Reservoirs Research. Act No. (2) for the Year 1995 on dissolving Abu Dhabi National Corporation for Reservoirs Research. |
Decision No. (32) for the year 1987, regarding the support and encouragement of Abu Dhabi National Company for manufacturing of plastic pipes. Decision No. (32) for the year 1987, regarding the support and encouragement of Abu Dhabi National Company for manufacturing of plastic pipes. |
Decision No. (26) for the year 1983, regarding protection of the product of Abu Dhabi National Company for manufacturing of plastic pipes. Decision No. (26) for the year 1983, regarding protection of the product of Abu Dhabi National Company for manufacturing of plastic pipes. |
Ministerial Decision No. (30), for the year 1977, regarding support and encouraging Abu Dhabi National Company for manufacture of plastic pipes. Ministerial Decision No. (30), for the year 1977, regarding support and encouraging Abu Dhabi National Company for manufacture of plastic pipes. |
Fees and allowances regulation for subscription in Abu Dhabi chamber of commerce and industry, for the year 1970, No. (2), for the year 1970. Fees and allowances regulation for subscription in Abu Dhabi chamber of commerce and industry, for the year 1970, No. (2), for the year 1970. |
Circular No. (6) for the year 1978 on programming of development projects of Abu Dhabi Emirate 1978- 1981. Circular No. (6) for the year 1978 on programming of development projects of Abu Dhabi Emirate 1978- 1981. |
Circular No. (3) for the year 1978 on instructions and special ,methods of execution of annual approach for 1978. Circular No. (3) for the year 1978 on instructions and special ,methods of execution of annual approach for 1978. |
Circular No. (14) for the year 1977 on support and encouragement for Abu Dhabi Steel Factory. Circular No. (14) for the year 1977 on support and encouragement for Abu Dhabi Steel Factory. |
Circular No. (9), for the year 1983, regarding support and encouragement of the factories under possession of Industry and economy Department in Alfujairah. Circular No. (9), for the year 1983, regarding support and encouragement of the factories under possession of Industry and economy Department in Alfujairah. |
Circular No. (6), for the year 1983, regarding approved cost for the program of annual development. Circular No. (6), for the year 1983, regarding approved cost for the program of annual development. |
Circular No. (2), for the year 1983, regarding encouragement of the production of Al Ain Factory for non iron alloys. Circular No. (2), for the year 1983, regarding encouragement of the production of Al Ain Factory for non iron alloys. |
Circular No. (1), for the year 1983, regarding encouragement of the Gulf Factory for dyes and adhesive materials in Al Ain . Circular No. (1), for the year 1983, regarding encouragement of the Gulf Factory for dyes and adhesive materials in Al Ain . |
Circular No. (33) for the year 1972 on the amendment of Article (18) of the Regulation of Water and Electricity Tariff. Circular No. (33) for the year 1972 on the amendment of Article (18) of the Regulation of Water and Electricity Tariff. |
Circular No. (2) for the year 1977 on correcting material error in Item (I) in Article (5) of the Act on the establishment of Abu Dhabi for Excavation Products and Chemicals Ltd. Circular No. (2) for the year 1977 on correcting material error in Item (I) in Article (5) of the Act on the establishment of Abu Dhabi for Excavation Products and Chemicals Ltd. |
Circular No. (5), for the year 1982, regarding encouragement of the product of Arab Cote Factory for dyes. Circular No. (5), for the year 1982, regarding encouragement of the product of Arab Cote Factory for dyes. |
Circular No. (3), for the year 1981, regarding support of the Gulf Factory for Fiberglass reinforced pipes. Circular No. (3), for the year 1981, regarding support of the Gulf Factory for Fiberglass reinforced pipes. |
Circular No. (5) for the year 1979, on the use of cement brick products manufactured for Government projects by Cement Brick Plants in Alwathba and Al Aian. Circular No. (5) for the year 1979, on the use of cement brick products manufactured for Government projects by Cement Brick Plants in Alwathba and Al Aian. |
Circular No. (1) for the year 1979 on subsidies for Fiber Glass Pipes Factory in Abu Dhabi. Circular No. (1) for the year 1979 on subsidies for Fiber Glass Pipes Factory in Abu Dhabi. |
Regulation No (6) for the year 1971 on Ministry of Petroleum and Industry. Regulation No (6) for the year 1971 on Ministry of Petroleum and Industry. |
Regulation No (2) for the year 1980 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. Regulation No (2) for the year 1980 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. |
Regulation No (1) for the year 1979 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. Regulation No (1) for the year 1979 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. |
Regulation No (4) for the year 1977 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. Regulation No (4) for the year 1977 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. |
Regulation No (3) for the year 1976 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. Regulation No (3) for the year 1976 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. |
Regulation No (2) for the year 1974 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. Regulation No (2) for the year 1974 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. |
Regulation No (12) for the year 1972 on water and electricity tariff. Regulation No (12) for the year 1972 on water and electricity tariff. |
Chairman of the Executive Council Resolution No. (143) of 201 5 Concerning the Services Fees at Abu Dhabi Quality and Confornnity Council In the implementation of the provisions of this law, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings corresponding thereto unless the context requires otherwise: |
Regulation No (1) for the year 1972 on Ministry of Water and Electricity. Regulation No (1) for the year 1972 on Ministry of Water and Electricity. |
Regulation No (1) for the year 1996 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. Regulation No (1) for the year 1996 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. |
Regulation No (1) for the year 1994 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. Regulation No (1) for the year 1994 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Regulation for water and electricity tariff. |
Emiri Decree No (8) for the year 1974 on the Regulation for Water and Electricity Department. Emiri Decree No (8) for the year 1974 on the Regulation for Water and Electricity Department. |
Act No. (1) for the Year 1982 on the establishment of Abu Dhabi National Corporation for Reservoirs Research. Act No. (1) for the Year 1982 on the establishment of Abu Dhabi National Corporation for Reservoirs Research. |
Act No. (1) for the Year 1981 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Act on Pensions for the Citizens Working with Petroleum Companies Operating in in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi- repealed under provisions of Article No (111) of Act No. (2) for the year 2000 on Civil Pensions and Retirement Bonus the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Act No. (1) for the Year 1981 regarding the amendment of some provisions of the Act on Pensions for the Citizens Working with Petroleum Companies Operating in in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi- repealed under provisions of Article No (111) of Act No. (2) for the year 2000 on Civil Pensions and Retirement Bonus the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. |
Act No. (5) for the Year 1979 on the establishment of Public Industry Corporation- repealed under provisions of Article (23) of Act No (4) for the year 1994 on Public Industry Corporation. Act No. (5) for the Year 1979 on the establishment of Public Industry Corporation- repealed under provisions of Article (23) of Act No (4) for the year 1994 on Public Industry Corporation. |
Emiri Decree No (11) for the year 1970 on Reorganizing Oil & Industry Affairs Department. Emiri Decree No (11) for the year 1970 on Reorganizing Oil & Industry Affairs Department. |
President of the Executive Council Decision No. 26 of 2018 on additional terms of reference for the Energy Department President of the Executive Council Decision No. 26 of 2018 on additional terms of reference for the Energy Department |
Circular No 3 of 2017 about the guide to rationalise the consumption of water and electricity in the government headquarters and facilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Circular No 3 of 2017 about the guide to rationalise the consumption of water and electricity in the government headquarters and facilities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi |
Executive Council Resolution No. 49 of 2017 to assign the functions of the Board of Directors of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the sector of water and electricity Executive Council Resolution No. 49 of 2017 to assign the functions of the Board of Directors of the Regulation and Supervision Bureau for the sector of water and electricity |
Ministerial Decision No. (324) for the year 1996 to connect electricity by the consumer.Ministerial Decision No. (324) for the year 1996 to connect electricity by the consumer. Ministerial Decision No. (324) for the year 1996 to connect electricity by the consumer. |