Law No. (3) of 2021 Concerning the Automated Alarm System and Information Programme for Private Establishments in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi 1.Establish, organise, manage and develop an Automated Warning System and Information Programme |
Circular No. (7) of 2020 Concerning Abu Dhabi Government Services Unified Platform (6/6) and (12/12) Work on developing all government services allowing the customer to complete them within a period not exceeding 6 minutes before the date of June 6, 2020. |
Decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunications Sector No. 24 of 2019 regarding the approval of amending some provisions of the articles of association of the Emirates Telecommunications Group Company “Etisalat" Decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Regulating the Telecommunications Sector No. 24 of 2019 regarding the approval of amending some provisions of the articles of association of the Emirates Telecommunications Group Company “Etisalat" |
Law No. (16) of 2019 Establishment of Abu Dhabi Digital Authority Article (2)
An entity called the Abu Dhabi Digital Authority shall be established by virtue of the provisions of this Law and shall have an independent legal personality, with full legal capacity to act, and shall affiliated to the Office.
• The Executive Council may change the Authority's subordination to any entity it determines.
• The Authority replaces the Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Center (ADSIC) and assigns all its assets, rights, obligations and considered as legal successor. |
Circular No. 17 of 2016 Concerning the Guide for Customer's Communication and Awareness The Executive Council is pleased to greet you and to extend |
Circular No. 15 of 2016 Concerning the National Information Security Standards The Executive Council is pleased to greet you and to extend its sincere gratitude for your Continuous |
Circular No. (5) of 2016 Concerning Oracle Company Software Agreement The Executive Council is pleased to greet you and to extend its sincere gratitude |
Circular No. (3) of 2016 Concerning the Activities and Events Related to Electronic & Smart Governmental Services To all governmental entitiesin the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you |
Circular No. (20) of 2015 Concerning the Websites of Governmental Companies The Executive Council is pleased to greet you and to extend its sincere gratitude for your continuous cooperation to realise the public interest. |
Circular No. (13) of 2015 Concerning the Communication Policy of the Government of Abu Dhabi The Executive Council is pleased to greet you and extend its sincere gratitude your continuous cooperation to realise the public interest |
Circular No. (5) For the year 2011 regarding banning of using personal E-mail in working Correspondences in Abu Dhabi government Circular No. (5) For the year 2011 regarding banning of using personal E-mail in working Correspondences in Abu Dhabi government |
Executive Council Decision director No. (32) For the year 2010 regarding the transferring of governmental buildings sector from the three municipalities to Abu Dhabi General Service Company (AGESCO). Executive Council Decision director No. (32) For the year 2010 regarding the transferring of governmental buildings sector from the three municipalities to Abu Dhabi General Service Company (AGESCO). |
Law No. 18 for the Year 2008 Establishment of Abu Dhabi Center for Electronic and Information Systems Law No. 18 for the Year 2008 Establishment of Abu Dhabi Center for Electronic and Information Systems |
Circular No. (6) for the year 2009. Circular No. (6) for the year 2009. |
Circular No. (5) for the year 2009 to all government departments and agencies concerned (Abu Dhabi Information Security Program). Circular No. (5) for the year 2009 to all government departments and agencies concerned (Abu Dhabi Information Security Program). |
Chairman of Executive Council Decision No. (6) for the year 2009 regarding appointing the General Manager of Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre. Chairman of Executive Council Decision No. (6) for the year 2009 regarding appointing the General Manager of Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre. |
Decision No.(33) For the year 2005 for formation of Abu Dhabi committee for systems and information canceled according to article 14 of the law No.(18) For the year 2008 establishing Abu Dhabi center for electronic and information systems. Decision No.(33) For the year 2005 for formation of Abu Dhabi committee for systems and information canceled according to article 14 of the law No.(18) For the year 2008 establishing Abu Dhabi center for electronic and information systems. |
Decision No. (56) for the year 1983, regarding the report on exception from provisions of the circular on reorganization, installation and use of government telephones. Decision No. (56) for the year 1983, regarding the report on exception from provisions of the circular on reorganization, installation and use of government telephones. |
Law No. (12) for the year 1970 regarding wireless devices and telecommunications. Law No. (12) for the year 1970 regarding wireless devices and telecommunications. |
Act No. (12) for the Year 1978 on Maintaining the Safety of the Lines of Services. Act No. (12) for the Year 1978 on Maintaining the Safety of the Lines of Services. |
Act No. (10) for the Year 1976 on Maintaining the Intactness of Cables and Overhead Lines. Act No. (10) for the Year 1976 on Maintaining the Intactness of Cables and Overhead Lines. |
Circular No 12 of 2017 on sub-websites of government entities and companies Circular No 12 of 2017 on sub-websites of government entities and companies |
The Decision of the board of directors of the General Information Authority No. (31) for the year 1997 regarding (amendment of the scale of grades, salaries and allowances). The Decision of the board of directors of the General Information Authority No. (31) for the year 1997 regarding (amendment of the scale of grades, salaries and allowances). |
Law No. (15) for the year 1991 regarding the amendment of some of the provisions of the federal law No. (3) for the year 1982 regarding the cancellation of the establishment of the National Center for Computer – cancelled by virtue of the text of article No. 1 of the law No. 3 for the for the year 2011. Law No. (15) for the year 1991 regarding the amendment of some of the provisions of the federal law No. (3) for the year 1982 regarding the cancellation of the establishment of the National Center for Computer – cancelled by virtue of the text of article No. 1 of the law No. 3 for the for the year 2011. |